Thursday, 19 September 2013

Case 39: It's True!

Because of my failure to produce a good outline for a subject...Just now I feel like..

I feel like wanting to throw my whole body away due to my stupidity!
How can I did such an idiot act?
Why am I so careless and not focus?
I feel horribly guilty as if I've done a very big mistake and unforgivable mistake.
I feel like I've been black listed from this universe.
I want to shout very badly that "I'm stupid..I'm stupid..I'm stupid.
I've felt this way for many times before after I failed to do something terrifically.

But not for now because I've found this:

This made me feels better.
I'm now under the state of resilient!

Thank you Allah for given us such a brilliant mind to come out with this beautiful sentence.
It relieved me! It does!

To my group mates I'm truly sorry for my mistake and I am looking forward to our shiny day once we done the assignment terrifically.

Let us struggle together! =)

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Case 38: He & hE

We want to please Him very much!
We want to be blessed by Him!
We want to be always with Him!
We want to earnestly worship Him!
We wish to see Him!


We tend to forget..
We tend to be swiped away..
We tend to follow our heart disease (I mean spiritually)..

We tend to forget that to please Him is to please he (mankind).
We tend to be swiped away from this fact that was written in His Holy Book!


What I want to highlight is that..
We have to build a good bonding with our Creator as well as His creatures.

Me myself is a forgetful person when I slip away chances to please His creature for many3x times in order to please Him!
I should earnestly help people around me when they ask me for help.
sometimes I help them with just halfheartedly.

Then I realize that I was silly for such an act!
Those people who asking for my help are actually were sent by the Almighty Allah as a platform for me to earn reward, to be closer to Him and to be blessed by Him.
But sadly I just letting the chances go.

WE MUST BE AN OPPORTUNIST (for a good reason I mean).
It is BETTER if we offer help before somebody is asking for our help. =)

It is not only about helping others is essential, other kind of tests from Him always came through people who around us. Thus, if something happen to us, we have to see things positively.

For example...
 if somebody always hurts you, you have to think positively as the person that hurt you was sent by Him to make you even stronger than before.

p/s: If we want to be blessed by Him, We can't overlook our bonding among us mankind as He told us to do so!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

37: This Land

I'm not trying to be patriotic here although it is a good thing.
Not even gonna say a word about a Wonderland or a Disneyland! =)

.............He looks for it, and he found Him...........
-as well as the shining her-
He cherished what he got via his searching.
The dark cloud turn over to the purest!
A decision is decided.
The blessing, the wisdom are in grasp.
No more bewildered questions!

  • 'This Land' is a novel by Gunawan Mahmood.
  • A Malaysian literature genre.
  • The main character is a Chinese man who was born and lives in Malaysia.
  • But, he has a lot of misunderstandings toward Malays, Muslim, Islam and Malaysia government. He is a reporter who writes against Malaysia government and he is found guilty by police when he unfold his objection and disagreement in public through one of his talks.  
  • He then afraid of being caught by the police, fly away to China which he claimed to be his motherland.
  • There,he found that Malaysian Chinese are more advance and prosper.
  • He regrets his deed.
  • He instead falls in love with a Chinese Muslim woman who once hands him a translation of QURAN.
  • He tries to study the Quran and falls in love with he beauty of Quran.
  • He also attracted to the way of life of Muslim.
  • He eventually reverted to Islam and engaged to his loved one after he faced punishment in ISA.

Things to ponder????
The main character is confused as why there are many Muslims in China?
It is because Islam reached China first before it reaches Malaysia and plus+
THANX to Cheng Ho!

Here is the thing!
why don't British brings Chinese Muslim and Indian Muslim to Malaysia?
It is because they ruled based on 'divide and rule'!
They purposely send Buddhists and Hindus into Malaysia to spark the chaos!
13 May for instance.

The truth is that the British is far sighted!
and we must be as far sighted as they are in order to overcome the aftermath that they left.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Case 36: Personality

Many kinds of personality of human.
It is amazing to live in this world with people of different personalities.
Personality makes human as a unique creature.

For me, there is no such thing as one personality is better than the other.
All personalities have it's own uniqueness.
No single personality is superior than the other.

The uniqueness of personality of human can be considered as a sign of Allah.

I have a question actually,
is it true that our future husband/wife shared some kind of 
similar traits and behaviour of those who close to us?
In my case,
my future husband's personality is 80% match with my best friend and my mother.

what about you??

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Case 34: Triumph+++Victory

Beyond the ordinary,
I believe!
the words written in my mind,
the destiny is widely sketched
by the creator of beautiful sky after the rain.

I shouted the words,
to the flying birds it reach,
I will strive for it!
I will go for it!
I will go on!

I have to run my best,
the pressure will be my sustenance,
my strength will be discovered,
the rainbow will appear. 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Case 33: H.O.P.E

This four letter words
can be blessed or hateful.

this four letter words sometimes bring happiness
sometimes bring disappointment.

will no more treasure this four letter words with mankind
will treasure this four letter words with Allah
where all HOPES are attach to Him.

Case 32: Underestimate

The hard feeling one get after being underestimated
is hardly could be bearded.
sometimes someone is being underestimated because 
the someone might done the same thing to others. 
It is as what goes around comes around. 
Or maybe, the someone underestimate him/her own self.

The past of me
will surely not the same as me now
and me at the future
because i will try to avoid that. 

Case 31: Praise to Allah

Blowing air
hit my hair
the green of the land 
makes me calm

I pray to God
to endlessly give me
this kind of feeling!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Case 30: Independent

One of my weaknesses is that I always depend on others.
I already became an adult.
I can’t no more rely on anyone.
I must be on my own.
I must be a brave adult who can handle things by my own.
I must not bother others with my small matters.
In short, I have to be an independent adult,
Or else I will end up disappointing myself.
I will enter the scary world called ‘working life’.
I must be independent and brave enough to go through ‘that world’.
I must solely depend on Him.

p/s: to my beloved friends, please advice me if my weaknesses came across you because I need that advice! =)

Case 29: Near yet Far

Near as skin and its meat,
One is raw and one is perfect,
Yet it is far.

Swept by awkwardness and coldness,
No more brightness and fairness
as before.

Bring sadden and confusion.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Case 28: Living & Learning

Suddenly it came across my mind.
I was thinking, thus I realized that
every day, every week, every month or every year
we learn new lessons or new things.
There are various things we learn from our own life.
No matter what we learn, like matter regarding relationship, studies and etc
me must be thinking positively
we must  put the lesson ahead instead of any other thing.
The mistakes we create in living day by day must be left as an effective lesson.
I have many more things to be learned in my own life.
and what about you?
It also goes that I may learn the lesson from others' life, mistakes as well as experiences.
In short, we were learned, we are learning and we will learn.

~Everyone tastes the flavour of life though the flavour is different~

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Case 27: A translator

I'M currently helping my friend to translate her assignment from Malay to English.
I eventually enjoy doing it.
As it is essential for me to polish my language through it.
Thanks for letting and trust me to help you, my friend.

It is actually we help each other.
I at first think that being a translator is a very difficult work.
However after I try it once, the level of difficulty drops.
Still, It is undeniable that translating is a difficult job for me though I enjoy doing it.

~May Allah helps us to complete the task before the date~

Thursday, 24 January 2013

case 26: Patience & Tension

Burning fire!
Burning fire!
Splashing water!
Splashing water!

The victory await,
be patient, Do it!
keep away the tension!
unfold with impatience.

The victory discover, no more await,
keep being patient, feel it!
say good-bye to tension!
say thanks to patience.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Case 25: Evil in the Heart

strongly hit the Desire
makes no Desire for self
to work!

The Evil--
is good in making the Dark hole 
in the Heart!
vanishing the pure, white, reddish

The Evil--
paint the Heart colourlessly!

Every time--
One must possess the craziness to 
to be blessed
to attain the blissfulness
thus may kill
the Evil in the Heart!

p/s: credit to Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson & Hopkin i guess.hehe
       i will probably from now on posting lots of poem as i want to be more poetic
       as poets for me are cool indeed!
      a friend of mine told me that i need to polish my English through writing poem too =)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Case 24: MeNgHALALkaN CiNtA??


menghalalkan cinta??
bila masa pulak cinta tu haram??
cinta untuk ALLAH...
untuk family..
untuk sahabat..

yang dikatakan haram tu bila laki dan juga perempuan bekapel atas dasar nafsu!
yang nafsu dan syaitan dah jadi tuhan mereka.

yang becinta atas dasar nak kawin
cinta kerana ALLAH
dan pandai jaga batas
boleh elak maksiat
termasuk zina hati
tidak menjadi masalah
boleh berkhitbah, bercinta dan bertunang sebelum nikah.
ini bukan niat menghalalkan cara sebab cara da betul, cuma kena struggle lawan nafsu
dan digalakkan mengejar dan mendapatkan nafsu MUTMAINNAH!

diikutkan orang yang extreme bab cinta ni memang la semua pun tak boleh
dah....cinta pun da jadi haram!
apa ke menda??

Sunday, 6 January 2013

case 23: HIJABISTA


is that what we want to hear when we wear something up-to-date? 
i admit that i love to see those with shawl
but not with the weird one.

not that i want to mock those who wear such a beautiful shawl
it just for me,
you can wear but please do not exaggerate!

in my opinion
it is good that muslimah can bring something new
and that something new is in accordance to Islam

i believe
non-muslim will attract to this kind of fashion
and this is a good example and bringing

still we have to cover our precious aurah
and do not wear something Tabarruj!
don't be so proud of what you wear!
be modest!
yet still sophisticated..

don't let Syaiton lead you when you dress up!