Wednesday 30 January 2013

Case 28: Living & Learning

Suddenly it came across my mind.
I was thinking, thus I realized that
every day, every week, every month or every year
we learn new lessons or new things.
There are various things we learn from our own life.
No matter what we learn, like matter regarding relationship, studies and etc
me must be thinking positively
we must  put the lesson ahead instead of any other thing.
The mistakes we create in living day by day must be left as an effective lesson.
I have many more things to be learned in my own life.
and what about you?
It also goes that I may learn the lesson from others' life, mistakes as well as experiences.
In short, we were learned, we are learning and we will learn.

~Everyone tastes the flavour of life though the flavour is different~

Saturday 26 January 2013

Case 27: A translator

I'M currently helping my friend to translate her assignment from Malay to English.
I eventually enjoy doing it.
As it is essential for me to polish my language through it.
Thanks for letting and trust me to help you, my friend.

It is actually we help each other.
I at first think that being a translator is a very difficult work.
However after I try it once, the level of difficulty drops.
Still, It is undeniable that translating is a difficult job for me though I enjoy doing it.

~May Allah helps us to complete the task before the date~

Thursday 24 January 2013

case 26: Patience & Tension

Burning fire!
Burning fire!
Splashing water!
Splashing water!

The victory await,
be patient, Do it!
keep away the tension!
unfold with impatience.

The victory discover, no more await,
keep being patient, feel it!
say good-bye to tension!
say thanks to patience.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Case 25: Evil in the Heart

strongly hit the Desire
makes no Desire for self
to work!

The Evil--
is good in making the Dark hole 
in the Heart!
vanishing the pure, white, reddish

The Evil--
paint the Heart colourlessly!

Every time--
One must possess the craziness to 
to be blessed
to attain the blissfulness
thus may kill
the Evil in the Heart!

p/s: credit to Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson & Hopkin i guess.hehe
       i will probably from now on posting lots of poem as i want to be more poetic
       as poets for me are cool indeed!
      a friend of mine told me that i need to polish my English through writing poem too =)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Case 24: MeNgHALALkaN CiNtA??


menghalalkan cinta??
bila masa pulak cinta tu haram??
cinta untuk ALLAH...
untuk family..
untuk sahabat..

yang dikatakan haram tu bila laki dan juga perempuan bekapel atas dasar nafsu!
yang nafsu dan syaitan dah jadi tuhan mereka.

yang becinta atas dasar nak kawin
cinta kerana ALLAH
dan pandai jaga batas
boleh elak maksiat
termasuk zina hati
tidak menjadi masalah
boleh berkhitbah, bercinta dan bertunang sebelum nikah.
ini bukan niat menghalalkan cara sebab cara da betul, cuma kena struggle lawan nafsu
dan digalakkan mengejar dan mendapatkan nafsu MUTMAINNAH!

diikutkan orang yang extreme bab cinta ni memang la semua pun tak boleh
dah....cinta pun da jadi haram!
apa ke menda??

Sunday 6 January 2013

case 23: HIJABISTA


is that what we want to hear when we wear something up-to-date? 
i admit that i love to see those with shawl
but not with the weird one.

not that i want to mock those who wear such a beautiful shawl
it just for me,
you can wear but please do not exaggerate!

in my opinion
it is good that muslimah can bring something new
and that something new is in accordance to Islam

i believe
non-muslim will attract to this kind of fashion
and this is a good example and bringing

still we have to cover our precious aurah
and do not wear something Tabarruj!
don't be so proud of what you wear!
be modest!
yet still sophisticated..

don't let Syaiton lead you when you dress up!