Friday, 7 September 2012

Case 19:Appreciation

Do we appreciate with what we have?
if we get closer to Allah then 
we will appreciate what we have with us now
in other word,
we thank Allah..

As everyday we out to start doing new activity
we just look at the sky
without feeling anything
do we ever come across that
without sky what will it be?

everyday we breath His air
do we ever think when we will stop breathing?
we need to appreciate 

which was given by Allah to us
and which is the most precious thing for us
there are people who are about to die
and ill want to survive
they put lots of effort in order to live

we who have it 
do not really care about it!

I want to remind myself 
and others to keep care and love our self
and put effort to have a healthy body

~Let us appreciate the nature as well as our life~
InsyaALLAH He will love us more! =)