asyik dengar lagu jepun,tengok cerita jepun,jepun kah aku?
buat aku sedar aku ni melayu
tp aku cannot resist because after all japan is the best
bukan apa,
cerita jepun buat aku jadi bersemangat
banyak mengajar tentang erti hidup, cinta..
i mean cinta kepada orang yang kita sayang termasuk parents,friends,siblings,kekasih,husband & our sensei
lagu-lagu jepun pun buat aku bersemangat
lagu jiwang pun boleh tahan..
lagu yang penuh makna
suka tengok cara diorang makan
makan makanan sihat
cara hormat orang
very polite
budaya yang bagus
betul la jepun ni negara bukan islam tapi the qualities are very islamic
but,ada je benda-benda tak elok jepun ni..
bukan semua elok
keruntuhan akhlak diorang boleh tahan jugak
suka jati diri dan sikap patriotik diorang yang kuat
suka diorang boleh survive tanpa penguasaan bahasa inggeris yang bagus!
kita ni dah jadi mat sallah da..
bab kebersihan memang tabik
bab punctuality memang tabik
disiplin bagus!
betul lah Mahathir suruh kita pandang ke arah jepun!
diorang still ada imej jepun
malay kita entah ke mana imej malay nya..
mcm mat sallah semuanya
InsyaAllah aku akan dapat terapkan dalam diri nilai-nilai murni yang ditonjolkan oleh RASULULLAH
memang budaya jepun pun tak boleh lawan akhlak beliau!
"kerana akhlak dia adalah Quran"
nak jugak letak lirik lagu jepun buat tatapan semua
hayati lirik yang bagus ini!

Rather than grieving in the headwind
If we imagine things will go well, someday times will change
When we're engrossed in living and by trival matters
When we falter as love hurts us, we have to stand up again each time
If we think of the comings and goings of memories, it is too lonely
Because an exciting future is sure to be waiting over there for us
Start running, start running, let's go and welcome tomorrow
Let me hear your sound, I feel it all
Don't stop, don't stop, these feelings move me now
No matter how small the bud may be, it is just one Happiness
Even the feelings of tears can't be put into words
Because it's alright not to worry about things like what color the rainbow of happiness is
When we find the answer, we'll have accumulated more memories
From here to can head without fear to a new place
Till far away, till far away, the path leads on forever
Let me hear your voice, I'll always be beside you
Don't stop, don't stop, these feelings I'll always believe in
The bud may not have a name yet, but it is just one Happiness
Start running, start running, let's go and welcome tomorrow
Let me hear your sound, I feel it all
Don't stop, don't stop, these feelings move me now
No matter how small the bud may be, it is just one Happiness